Answers to your questions

What is Imagerie des Pionniers?

Imagerie des Pionniers is a privately owned radiology clinic in Terrebonne, Quebec. The clinic is a Medical Imaging Laboratory (LIM) under the Quebec government regulations. The clinic opened to the public on December 10th, 2005.

Public, private or RAMQ?

The RAMQ covers most exams performed at Imagerie des Pionniers. This includes x-rays, ultrasounds and Doppler examinations, as well as bone densitometry and radioscopy.

CT scans and MRIs are not covered by the RAMQ. These exams are often covered by the CNESST, SAAQ and private insurers. Imagerie des Pionniers hopes the Quebec government will extend RAMQ coverage to CT scans and MRI in private clinics, as they did with ultrasounds in 2016.

What are your opening hours ?

The clinic is open from 8AM until 11PM, Monday to Friday.
It is open from 8AM until 4PM Saturday and Sunday.

Open 365 days per year, including statuary Holidays.

Where is Imagerie des Pionniers located?

Imagerie des Pionniers is located at 950 Montée des Pionniers, suite 140, Terrebonne, Quebec J6V 1S8

What exams are available at Imagerie des Pionniers?

The following exams are available:

* Conventional Radiography (x-rays)
* Ultrasound and Doppler
* CT scan
* Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
* Bone densitometry
* Virtual colonoscopy

Do I need a prescription?

All exams to be performed require a valid prescription. Besides your medical specialist and family doctor, prescriptions from dentists, chiropractors and podiatrists can be accepted. Nurse practitioners and midwives may also prescribe some of the exams available at Imagerie des Pionniers. The Quebec government has announced its intention to permit physiotherapists to prescribe some exams, and Imagerie des Pionniers will accept these prescriptions as soon as the government officializes its position and that the RAMQ has provided appropriate information for billing purposes.

Do I need an appointment?

All x-rays are done without an appointment, on a walk-in basis. We strive to keep your time in the clinic to a minimum, and patients are typically in and out of the clinic in ten minutes off peak hours. The time can be longer during peak hours, but we keep three separate x-ray rooms operating in order to not waste client time.

All other exams such as ultrasound and Doppler exams, CT-scans and MRIs, as well as bone densitometry are by appointment. We strive to extend our hours of operation in order to increase the availability of the appointment scheduled times.